Frequently Asked Questions

What is NotEvenJustified?

NotEvenJustified is official blog to Project: Rouge and other programming projects, a programming blog.

What is Project: Rouge?

Project: Rouge is a fanmade first person shooter in the SonicTH world (so no kids allowed this time). It’s a project that I am doing and I hope it would be finished by the 15th anniversary of SAGE.

What is SAGE, and does it cost anything?

SAGE (stands for Sonic Amateur Games Expo) is a FREE exposition of games made by fans, and they give those games out for your appreciation.

You said you are going to release a Desksite. Why did you move me here?

The Desksite is mainly an updater: One part news, the other part patches. The website will feature a lot of detailed updates throughout the game as well.

Basically, The desksite will be released when the time is right.

I would like to help out on the game. Do I need any programming skills or anything?

Not really. Project: Rouge will use the Genesis3D engine for its simple style, which is easier to anyone who wants to play. The game uses a modified Reality Factory engine, suitable to make the game at ease. If you want to help, contact me by my email address: L0elinth(at)geemail(dot)c0m.

Hurry up, I want to see the game.

Can you please wait, its really difficult to make a 3d FPS, especially when you code it yourself.

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